Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chiropractic & Orthotics

Rhonda and I went into a New Balance Store yesterday for her to buy some TENNIS shoes. The first thing they did was take her over to a computerized foot analysis and flat screen to show her everything about her feet to get custom orthotics to go with her shoes. By the way... it was a nicer and fancier and bigger one than you have in your office. Cost of the orthotics was $60.
Once again doctors, you need to be aware of this – I would not be wanting to build my practice and growth and future on orthotics – the competition and market is getting taken over by some very big fish – Have you noticed the same things at Walgreens and Walmart, etc.  Can you say: Dr. Scholl’s?  Now don’t misunderstand: Nothing wrong with providing it – we are certainly NOT against it – it is a wonderful thing - but I am telling you – it is NOT the golden egg nor the reason you went to CHIROPRACTIC school.  It should Not be the focus.  Keep CHIROPRACTIC the main thing! This is not the wave of the future – they (the big fish) are going to win this event – even though their orthotic is “not near as good.”  Sorry, but to the public it is a cushion support that fits inside the shoe – one is $50 and another is $150 but they look and feel and provide the same things. In fact, how will they feel about you when they bought a $110 orthotic from you and then the next month they go into the shoe store and see a custom one with just as neat of a computerized picture and flat screen test with orthotic for $60 – just asking.  BTW, now that it is in tennis shoe stores and discount stores – it no longer looks “medical”.

Keeping you focused with integrity!