Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's A Whole New Cure!

“85% of low back pain is due to misalignments in the feet.” - Posted by a chiropractor on Facebook.

Let me ask you a question: Where did he get this statistic?  Where do you think he got it? DD Palmer? A quote of his perhaps?  BJ?

If it wasn’t there…Let’s say he got it at a seminar. HMMMM.  I am not interested in what DC taught him this in a seminar – I am interested in who wrote the instructor’s check. Who sponsored this seminar? Where did this seminar instructor get his statistics? Just like the Chik fil a cow's recommending chicken to save their own skin, I think I smell a cow. But let’s say I am wrong and this is true scientific data and not a cow... Is what you taught me since I was a kid wrong?

Let me see if I understand NOW. The Central Nervous System runs through or from our feet? I missed that part. We have all these subluxations in the feet that is causing nerve interference and cutting off the communication of the central nervous system that runs from our feet to the rest of our organs causing all kinds of dis-ease – or at least 85% of it from these feet subluxations – so if we can properly adjust the feet and keep them well padded – and he told us to seek out these few DC’s like him - that are feet adjustors – 85% of our low back pain problems are gone – and I have to assume almost everything else is healed too cause that is what used to happen in the old days when we were told and lied to that it was our spine that needed adjusted – wow I am glad you DC’s grew past that archaic thinking – now we can get some results because obviously when you were adjusting spines instead of feet that means that 85% of the low back problems were not getting healed - because the problem was in the feet – you must have been getting a 15% success rate all those years – nobody used to get well when you were adjusting spines – they COULDN’T because the problem was in the FEET - but NOW – Hallelujah – we’ll get our feet adjusted and some good ole pads in our shoes and our problems (or 85% of them) are solved!  Maybe on the 15% you could do one of those cervical adjustments – naw…. You can’t buy sandals for your neck – forget I said anything.

Remember, our purpose is to heal the land with chiropractic care.  Stick with Principle #1.

With Integrity,

Keith Maule